2 1/2 stars
I always go into a book excited and fully expecting to love it. I don't read synopsis' or reviews before I read a book because I like to go in blind and not be influenced. I rely completely on star ratings. (I do, however, like to read reviews when I'm finished)
I know, it's weird.
Sadly, this book didn't live up to the ratings for me.
Here's why
((some may think this is a little SPOILERish))
-The overuse of stereotypes. It felt a little 1960's blatant.
-The overuse of spanish phrases. These did not make me feel the story was more authentic.
-The overuse of Brittany striving for perfection. It basically came down to only her looks and it became too repetitive.
This was a cute and simple love story that had a very different feel from the usual commitment-phobic alpha hero story.
It had a bit of a slow start for me but after about 60% it picked up.
What I liked most about this, is that the H & h were (unfortunately insta-) friends first.
I get SO tired of the insta-lust/love and sex-is-the-same-as-love trope in so many books these days.
Some of the issues that knocked off stars were that having 2 Charlie's became confusing. I had to double check the beginning of the chapters a few different times to see whose POV I was reading.
Also, man Charlie was a bit too beta for me and he seemed a little to good to be true. He was way more patient with girl Charlie than I was and he came across as flat. I had a hard time sympathizing with girl Charlie. I wasn't always clear about her reasoning.
Then there's the reconcilliation/ending. It didn't work for me. It felt, well...unnatural.
Read by the author.
Given the content of this memoir, I should have been emotionally moved.
I wasn't. This book barely skimmed the surface of a very troubling childhood in the foster care system.
The only emotions I felt were anger at the clearly broken system and the states that perpetuate this treatment of children.
I appreciated the authors honesty while recalling her attitude of distrust but she ended up coming across as snotty and ungracious. The delivery was kind of stiff and flat. It's too bad; this story could be so much more.
a smidge under 4 stars
I actually enjoyed this book despite the cheating, which i usually won't read.
Cheating leaves me nauseous.
I like a story about women who "find themselves" and I was proud of Sylvie
for doing just that.
However, her decisions in the end left me disappointed and unsatisfied.
4 1/2 stars
Nice and fluid, realistic dialoge, likable characters and really well developed for 221 pages.
Well done Ms. Bybee!
The author reads her own book. Excellent job!
The story in this book over-laps the time frame in [book:Gods in Alabama|223462]
Love the way J.J. writes! Her descriptions and metaphors are razor sharp.
Pure chick lit.